Jørn Skogheim, Date of Birth


Jørn Skogheim

Norwegian musician

Date of Birth: 16-Jul-1970

Profession: composer, musician, jazz musician

Nationality: Norway

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Jørn Skogheim

  • Jørn Skogheim (born July 16, 1970 in Sørreisa, Troms, Norway) is a guitarist, clarinetist, composer, recording artist, producer, arranger and music teacher.
  • Skogheim also masters the fine art of whistling.
  • He has played concerts on violin and clarinet since he was 10–11 years old and guitar since he was 16 years old. Skogheim has played concerts and had tours with own projects in Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Germany, plus TV appearances and radio broadcasts in Norway and the Baltic states.
  • In Latvia and Estonia he met musicians from New York City that he connected with, and he moved to "The Big Apple" and lived as a musician and composer there in the autumn of 1998.
  • Notable places where he has performed are "Jazzkaar" 1998 in Tallinn, "Riga Jazz festival" – 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001, "Kaunas Jazz Festival" 2000, Molde Jazz Festival 1998, Mandal Jazz Festival, Garching in Germany 2007, New Music festival 1997 in Riga that was broadcast in the whole territory of the former Soviet Union and more. Skogheim has played with Frank Foster, Adam Nussbaum, Trygve Seim, Egil Kapstad, Tom S Lund, Mary Ann Mcsweeney, Frode Berge and many more. The first CD that Skogheim recorded is the CD A Beatles Revival (SKV) 1994: Sørlandske Korverksted with soloists and band.
  • Among the artists contributing on this record is Espen Grjotheim, that was later to become a well known "idol singer".
  • The leader on this project is the prominent conductor Andrew Wilder. Later on in 1996 he also contributed on the record Transformation (D.O.G records) with the pop singer Finn Harald Røed.
  • Contributing here are some of the finest musicians from the southern part of Norway at that time, among them Rolf Kristensen (Secret Garden) and Tore Bråthen (The conductor of Kristiansand big band). In the same year (1996) Skogheim also played on Per Kjetil Farstad CD Guitar Menu (Lynor), a CD that is used often in TV productions.
  • Most of the musicians that appear on this Cd are former students and teachers at rhythmic department of the college of Kristiansand.
  • Names that can be mentioned are Bruce Rasmussen, Bjørn Ole Rasch, Egil Kapstad, Frøydis Grorud, Rolf Kristensen with more.
  • This CD was also handed over to Chet Atkins on a special occasion. It should be several more years before the self-critical composer released his first cd with his own compositions.
  • But in autumn 2000 "Joy" came.
  • With him on this record play some of the most prominent musicians from Riga-Latvia: Maris Briezkalns, Ivars Galenieks, Viktors Ritovs and the Canadien sax player Nic Gotham.
  • In autumn 1997 Skogheim was introduced to the music scene in Latvia by his good friend Erling Johansen (council for Latvia in Norway and former leader of the Norwegian jazz federation).
  • Jørn was so fascinated by this small and exotic country in the east, that he travelled there a lot 1997–2000.
  • And the CD was a result of this.
  • The whole band was followed with curiosity and interest both in Norway and the Baltics.
  • The record received great reviews in both Norway and The Baltic states, as well as on TV and radio. More than 6 years would pass before the next recording.
  • But, in January 2007 came the album "Above Water" (Curling Legs).
  • The record contains 14 brand new recordings for jazz quartet, frequently supplemented by a string quartet and other prominent soloists.
  • Altogether, 15 musicians contribute on this Cd, and several of them are famous musicians and composers such as Trygve Seim, Bendik Hofseth, Per Kristian Skalstad, Katrine Buvarp, Håvard Daae Rognli to mention a few.
  • For this album, Skogheim has gone to great lengths to create a magnificent production.
  • The choice of musicians has been mentioned, but the choice of composition and arrangements, plus of course the technical aspects of the individual performances have had a great bearing on the final result.
  • Inspired by the surroundings of the inner Oslo fjord he has written and arranged the music for three years.
  • The outcome is one of quality as well originality.
  • At the heart of the music is the jazz quartet.
  • Additionally, the quartet is frequently supported by accompaniment and written solo parts.
  • Flute and powerful soloists such as Trygve Seim and Bendik Hofseth add to the atmosphere and uniqueness of the album.
  • The rhythmics that are used are also rather unusual.
  • They are frequently written as 5/4, 7/4, 11/4 and 15/4.
  • The measures are divided up in a way that appeals to the listener.
  • The musicians faced a stiff challenge in making the music flow freely, yet when one listens to the final result one quickly notices they have indeed succeeded.
  • "Above Water" has garnered tremendous reviews thus far in Norwegian publications.
  • These being: Dagbladet, Dagens Næringsliv, Dagsavisen, Aftenposten, Bergens Tidende, Fædrelandsvennen and Exact etc.

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