Johann Franz Drège, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Johann Franz Drège

German botanist

Date of Birth: 25-Mar-1794

Date of Death: 03-Feb-1881

Profession: botanist, explorer

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Johann Franz Drège

  • Johann Fran(t)z Drège (or Jean François Drège) (25 March 1794 Altona, Hamburg, Germany - 3 February 1881 Altona, Hamburg, Germany), commonly referred to by his standard botanical author abbreviation Drège, was a German horticulturalist, botanical collector and explorer of Huguenot descent. Drège received his first training in horticulture at Göttingen and subsequently worked at botanical gardens in Munich, Berlin, St.
  • Petersburg and Riga. In 1826 he travelled with his younger brother, Eduard, to join his older brother, Carl, who had been working as an apothecary in the Cape since 1821.
  • They established themselves as professional natural history collectors - Carl concentrating on zoological and Franz on botanical specimens.
  • Their contract with their European contacts expired in 1826 and they decided to launch their own business.

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