Albert Tullgren, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Albert Tullgren

Swedish zoologist and arachnologist (1874-1958)

Date of Birth: 07-Sep-1874

Place of Birth: Stockholm, Sweden

Date of Death: 01-Jul-1958

Profession: zoologist, entomologist, arachnologist

Nationality: Sweden

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Albert Tullgren

  • Hugo Albert Tullgren (7 September 1874, in Stockholm – 1 July 1958) was a Swedish entomologist and arachnologist. In 1899 he received his bachelor's degree from Uppsala University, then from 1902 worked as an assistant at the National Entomological Institute.
  • From 1907 he was associated with the entomology department of the Centralanstalten för försöksväsendet pĂĄ jordbruksomrĂĄdet (Central Institute for Experimental Agriculture), of which, he became a professor at in 1913.The jumping spider genus Tullgrenella was named in his honor by Cândido Firmino de Mello-LeitĂŁo.
  • The eponymous "Tullgren funnel" is a modified Berlese funnel, a device used to extract small insects and arthropods from soil samples.

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