John Alexander Simpson, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


John Alexander Simpson

American physicist

Date of Birth: 03-Nov-1916

Place of Birth: Portland, Oregon, United States

Date of Death: 31-Aug-2000

Profession: physicist, university teacher, nuclear physicist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About John Alexander Simpson

  • John Alexander Simpson (November 3, 1916 – August 31, 2000) worked as an experimental nuclear, and cosmic ray physicist who was deeply committed to educating the public and political leaders about science and its implications, most notably as a principal founder of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and a long-time member of the organizations Board of Sponsors.
  • The year he died, his instruments in space had been sending data back for nearly 40 years.
  • Simpson spent his career as an instructor and researcher for the University of Chicago's Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics.
  • His research continued up until a few weeks prior to his death on August 31 of 2000.He is known for inventions such as the gas flow a-particle proportional counter for measuring plutonium yields in the presence of high intensity fission products, and the neutron monitor, and for having several of the instruments he created launched into space.John A.
  • Simpson died at age 83.
  • His death was caused by a case of Pneumonia which he contracted in the hospital following a successful heart surgery, and he is survived by his wife Elizabeth, and by his two children Mary Ann and John A.
  • Simpson from his first marriage.

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