John Burnside (inventor), Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


John Burnside (inventor)

American inventor

Date of Birth: 02-Nov-1916

Place of Birth: Seattle, Washington, United States

Date of Death: 14-Sep-2008

Profession: inventor

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About John Burnside (inventor)

  • For the Scottish writer (born 1955), see John Burnside.John Lyon Burnside III (November 2, 1916 – September 14, 2008) was the inventor of the teleidoscope, the darkfield kaleidoscope and the Symmetricon.
  • Because he rediscovered the math behind kaleidoscope optics, for decades, every maker of optically correct kaleidoscopes sold in the United States paid him royalties.
  • Harry Hay was his life partner from 1962 until Hay's death in 2002.
  • He was living in San Francisco, California, at the time of his death on September 14, 2008 from complications of brain cancer.

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