John C. Montana, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


John C. Montana

American mobster

Date of Birth: 01-Jul-1893

Place of Birth: Montedoro, Sicily, Italy

Date of Death: 18-Mar-1964

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About John C. Montana

  • John C.
  • Montana (born Giovanni Montana) (July 1, 1893 – March 18, 1964) was a Buffalo, New York labor racketeer, political fixer, and elected politician who eventually became the underboss and/or consigliere of the Buffalo crime family. Born in Montedoro, Sicily, Montana immigrated to the United States in 1907.
  • By the 1920s, with the start of Prohibition, Montana allegedly became involved in bootlegging.
  • His attendance at a national Mafia conference at Chicago in 1931 signaled the rise of his criminal career within organized crime, eventually becoming #3 of the Buffalo family.
  • He had been elected to public office and held numerous prominent positions.
  • Montana was able to walk in all circles of life in Buffalo - with rich businessmen, powerful politicians, and ruthless gangsters.
  • After being caught in 1957 as he attended a national Mafia meeting that was raided by State Police in Apalachin, New York, Montana's criminal ties became known and the popular public figure was reduced to a "former gang boss."

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