Rudolf Värnlund, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Rudolf Värnlund

Swedish architect and writer

Date of Birth: 06-Feb-1900

Place of Birth: Stockholm, Sweden

Date of Death: 16-Feb-1945

Profession: screenwriter, writer, architect

Nationality: Sweden

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Rudolf Värnlund

  • Rudolf Värnlund (1900–1945) was a Swedish proletarian novelist, short story writer and playwright. Värnlund grew up in Södermalm, a proletarian part of Stockholm.
  • He found work as a typesetter and in his free time devoted himself to intense studies of literature and politics and began to write stories and articles.
  • His writing was frequently published in the anarchist magazine Brand.
  • Värnlund made several travels to Berlin in the 1920s, experieing the postwar anxiety and atmosphere of the time. Värnlund got his first book, the short story collection Döda människor ("Dead humans") published in 1924.
  • By then he had already written numerous plays and works of prose.
  • He was very productive and published several novels in the late 1920s and 1930s which generally got poor reviews.
  • Contemporary critics had little understanding for his intense, expressionistic style.
  • Although later Värnlund has been regarded as an important proletarian writer.
  • He was the first writer to depict Stockholm from a proletarian perspective in novels such as Upproret ("The Upheaval", 1927), which along with the unusually lighthearted Det druckna kvarteret ("The drunken neighbourhood", 1928) and Man bygger ett hus ("A House is being built", 1938), is one of his best known novels. Värnlund had his biggest success in 1932 when his play Den heliga familjen ("The Holy Family") was staged by Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern.
  • It was the first time a play by a proletarian writer was staged at the national Swedish theatre.

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