Didi Senft, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Didi Senft

German inventor and cycling fan

Date of Birth: 07-Feb-1952

Place of Birth: Reichenwalde, Brandenburg, Germany

Profession: inventor

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Didi Senft

  • Dieter "Didi" Senft (born February 7, 1952) is a German cycling fan who is known as the Didi the Devil or El Diablo at the Tour de France and Giro d'Italia.
  • Since 1993, he has been seen in the Tour and Giro's many stages wearing his red devil costume and painting trident symbols on the road some miles before he appears.
  • Senft said the inspiration for his costume came from secretly watching the Tour de France on West German TV and hearing a broadcaster refer to the red triangular flag that marks the last kilometer as "the devil's red flag."

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