John Engen, Date of Birth


John Engen

American politician

Date of Birth: 02-Jun-1956

Profession: politician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About John Engen

  • John Engen has been mayor of Missoula, Montana, since 2006.
  • Missoula's 50th mayor, Engen was born in Missoula in 1964, attended Willard Elementary School, Hellgate High School and The University of Montana, where he earned a bachelor's degree in journalism. Before serving as mayor, Engen served a term as a city council member, was an award-winning writer and editor for the city's daily newspaper, owned and operated his own small business and volunteered for a variety of Missoula's non-profit organizations, concentrating on human services.
  • As an amateur auctioneer and emcee, Engen's helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to help friends and neighbors in the community.In 2013, Mayor John Engen and the City of Missoula initiated a legal process to use eminent domain to require the city's privately held water utility be sold to the City.
  • In June 2015, after a 10-day trial, the Fourth Judicial District Court found that the City of Missoula had the right to use eminent domain to acquire Mountain Water Co.
  • The decision was appealed to the Montana Supreme Court, which issued an opinion upholding the district court order on August 2, 2016.His wife Tracy owns and operate a travel agency in Missoula.
  • The Engens live in the Rattlesnake Valley along with their rescued Labradoodle, Odie, and a cat called Moose.
  • The family's rescued greyhound, Patches, died in February 2011.During the 2008 presidential election campaign, Engen endorsed Barack Obama for President of the United States.

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