John Freshwater, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


John Freshwater

American creationist

Date of Birth: 22-Jun-1956

Place of Birth: United States of America, United States

Profession: teacher

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About John Freshwater

  • John Freshwater (born June 22, 1956) is a former science teacher at Mount Vernon Middle School in Mount Vernon, Ohio, who was dismissed by the Board of Education for teaching creationism in a public school.Freshwater was suspended without pay and requested a public administrative hearing, which began in October 2008 and concluded in January 2011 with the hearing referee recommending the school board terminate Freshwater's teaching contract.
  • One week later, the Board terminated Freshwater's contracts.
  • Additionally, Freshwater was involved with two federal court cases regarding the accusations, one brought against him by the student because Freshwater burned a cross into his arm, which was settled out of court, and in the other Freshwater sued his employers, which he later withdrew.
  • Freshwater appealed his termination, but the appeals were denied by two different appeal courts and the Supreme Court of Ohio.

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