John Haughm, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


John Haughm

American musician

Date of Birth: 14-Sep-1975

Place of Birth: Ellensburg, Washington, United States

Profession: singer, musician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About John Haughm

  • John Haughm (born September 14, 1975) is a musician and artist from the United States.
  • He is most known for being the founder, guitarist, and vocalist of the band Agalloch, and later Pillorian.
  • He is also a designer who has created packaging and merchandise for several record labels and bands, including every project in which he has performed.
  • From 2008 to 2018 he was the owner, creative director, and curator of the Dämmerung Arthouse.

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