John Neihardt, Date of Birth, Date of Death


John Neihardt

American writer and scholar

Date of Birth: 08-Jan-1881

Date of Death: 24-Nov-1973

Profession: poet, anthropologist, philosopher

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About John Neihardt

  • John Gneisenau Neihardt (January 8, 1881 – November 3, 1973) was an American writer and poet, amateur historian and ethnographer.
  • Born at the end of the American settlement of the Plains, he became interested in the lives of those who had been a part of the European-American migration, as well as the Indigenous peoples whom they had displaced. His best-known work is Black Elk Speaks (1932), which Neihardt presents as an extended narration of the visions of the Lakota medicine man Black Elk.
  • It was translated into German as Ich Rufe mein Volk (I Call My People) (1953).
  • In the United States, the book was reprinted in 1961, at the beginning of an increase in non-Native interest in Native American cultures.
  • Its widespread popularity has supported four other editions.
  • In 2008 the State University of New York published the book in a premier, annotated edition.

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