Rupert II, Elector Palatine, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Rupert II, Elector Palatine

Elector Palatine

Date of Birth: 12-May-1325

Place of Birth: Amberg, Bavaria, Germany

Date of Death: 06-Jan-1398

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Rupert II, Elector Palatine

  • Rupert II, Count Palatine of the Rhine (German: Ruprecht II., der Harte (der Ernste)) (12 May 1325, Amberg – 6 January 1398, Amberg).
  • He was the Elector Palatine of the Rhine from the house of Wittelsbach in 1390–1398. He was the elder son of Adolf, Count Palatine of the Rhine and Countess Irmengard of Oettingen.
  • On 13 February 1338 the Palatinate was divided between Rupert II and his uncle Rudolf II, Duke of Bavaria.
  • After the death of his other uncle, the Elector Rupert I (who had succeeded Rudolf II), on 16 February 1390 he was proclaimed Elector Palatine with the consent of Wenceslaus, King of the Romans.
  • In 1391 he banished Jews and prostitutes from the Palatinate, confiscated their property, and bequeathed it to the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg.
  • In 1395 he promulgated the so-called Rupertinische Konstitution which was intended to provide for unity of the Palatinate.
  • Among other provisions, he incorporated to his realm the former Imperial Free City Neckargemünd. He was buried in Schönau Abbey a Cistercian monastery in Heidelberg.

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