John W. Coffey, Date of Birth


John W. Coffey

American art historian

Date of Birth: 12-Mar-1954

Profession: historian, art historian

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About John W. Coffey

  • John W.
  • Coffey is an American author and art historian.
  • He was born on March 12, 1954 and attended Needham B.
  • Broughton High School.
  • He received his undergraduate degrees in history and art history from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, and received his masters in art history from Williams College.
  • He currently is Deputy Director for Art and Curator of American and Modern Art at the North Carolina Museum of Art and was instrumental in making the museum a nationally renowned institution.
  • He has published numerous articles, as well as several books and exhibition catalogues such as The Landscapes of Louis Remy Mignot: A Southern Painter Abroad with Katherine E.
  • Manthorne and Moshe Kupferman: Between Oblivion and Remembrance.

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