Jon Radoff (born September 17, 1972) is an American entrepreneur, author and game designer.
His work has focused on online communities, Internet media and computer games.
Radoff dropped out to found NovaLink, an early internet service provider.
In 1991, while at NovaLink, he created Legends of Future Past, one of the first commercial MMORPGs.In 1997, he founded Eprise Corporation, a creator of Web content management software.
Eprise went public on the NASDAQ stock market in 2000 and was acquired by Divine Inc.
in 2001.On September 21, 2006, Radoff founded GamerDNA, a social media company that developed social gaming communities and a videogame advertising network.
GamerDNA is now part of Live Gamer.
As of March 2010, Radoff was working on a new social game company called Disruptor Beam that would be focused on building games for Facebook.
In February 2013, the company released Game of Thrones Ascent.