Jonathan Turner Meades (born 21 January 1947) is an English writer and film-maker, primarily on the subjects of place, culture, architecture and food.
His work spans journalism, fiction, essays, memoir and over fifty highly idiosyncratic television films, and has been described as "brainy, scabrous, mischievous," "iconoclastic" and possessed of "a polymathic breadth of knowledge and truly caustic wit".His latest film, Franco Building with Jonathan Meades, aired on BBC Four on 27 August 2019 and is the fourth instalment in a series on the architectural legacy of 20th-century European dictators.
A new anthology of uncollected writing from the last thirty years, Pedro and Ricky Come Again, is currently crowdfunding at Unbound.He has described himself as a "cardinal of atheism" and is both an Honorary Associate of the National Secular Society and a Patron of Humanists UK.