Jonathan "Jonti" Picking (born 17 May 1975), also known as Weebl, is a British Internet personality and Flash animator and is the creator of Weebl's Stuff.
His animations are known for repetitive melodies and surreal dialogue; the majority feature a catchy tune with silly lyrics, paired with a looping animation.
He does most of the voices in his animations himself, and several features himself in live action, including "Haricots Verts", "Chutney", "Boogie", "CAMRA", "Stockmarket", "We Are Mature", "Tangerine" the Weebl and Bob episodes "DJ" and "Safety", the fourth On The Moon episode, and "Jazzmas".
He has also worked with other animators on YouTube, such as Edd Gould in the video "Nuts [Weebl]".
Picking is a trained sound engineer and artist, and has also worked on 3D visual effects for the film Resident Evil.
In 2003, he made several advertisements for Anchor Butter in the style of his Weebl and Bob animations, but featuring cows, which were broadcast in the UK.
The television program Totally Viral on UKTV G2, consisting of video clips and cartoons from the internet, has an animated title sequence and links made by Jonti.
Jonti set up his own production company called Sumo Dojo, which he later left to set up Weebl's Stuff Limited, also known as Weebl Ltd.
Weebl's Stuff Ltd was dissolved in 2014, and Jelly Penguin Productions Ltd was set up in its place shortly afterward.
In 2009, Picking produced several radio and television adverts based on the tune of the first "Magical Trevor" for the 118 24 7 service of
It appeared on the ITV television channel, amongst others.
It was voted 6th Most Irritating Ad of 2009 by Marketing Magazine.
He is also an admitted fan of Wesley Willis and created an animation for Willis' song "Merry Christmas".