Joseph Brant Arseneau, Date of Birth


Joseph Brant Arseneau

Known in finance/technology for first formally defining finance techniques for third world housing

Date of Birth: 03-Sep-1967

Profession: engineer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Joseph Brant Arseneau

  • Joseph Brant Arseneau (born September 3, 1967) is generally known in finance and technology for first formally defining finance techniques for third world housing by describing the securitization of excess cash flow from renewable energy with the use of Renewable Energy Derivatives.The technique was first based on microfinance methods and it continues to gain popularity as both financial and technical infrastructure matures.
  • His team was also involved in the development of the Renewable Energy Derivative, which is a structured product that securitizes renewable energy into property-based debt obligations backed by the cash flows of excess energy.
  • Thus providing a responsible use of the environment to finance properties in third world countries. The method was initially intended to finance lower income housing in developing countries by replacing the credit risk with the operational risk of the renewable energy assets' capability to generate predictable cash flows.
  • The financing is structured so that the risk is to be underwrite until the cost of the houses can be claimed by the banks.
  • The new method includes operational risk transfer and mitigation through insurance, weather derivatives and "world class" preventive maintenance programs. Arseneau's primary area of technical expertise is in biologically-inspired systems called computational intelligence, which include: neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, swarm intelligence, and intelligent agents.
  • His interest in computational intelligence began with his research into the application of neural networks to software reengineering; that research went on to form the foundation to a patent being awarded to Raymond Obin and Brian Reynolds for a commercial reenginering process.His primary area of business expertise is in capital markets including; high performance computing for trading, new securitization methods, derivatives, and financing techniques in developing economies.
  • His work on high-frequency trading has been leveraged by several academic research efforts and more recently a commercial venture.
  • His earlier research on computational intelligence and reengineering (software) is frequently cited.

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