(commonly known as Joe Young) is a nationally recognized African-American cartoonist, filmmaker, producer, writer, and educator, who runs the Hartford Animation & Film Institute (HAFI).
Young is the president of Joe Young Studios, a 17 year old multimedia agency based in Hartford, CT and founded by Joseph Young, which provides arts programming businesses and organizations.
Specifically, JYS produces community art programs, books, videos, animated projects, graphic art, and conducts workshops in the performing arts.
Young is the creator of the Scruples comic strip in the 1990s, and the strip's characters now star in the animated film that the institute completed in December [2006].
He is the creator of the socially engaged Scruples comic characters and the writer and executive producer of Hartford's first major homegrown book-to-film project, Diamond Ruff.
In early 2015, Cinedigm Entertainment, the largest independent content provider in the United States, nationally distributed Diamond Ruff.Young is currently the President of Maurice Starr Entertainment/Joe Young! Studios headquartered in Hartford, CT, where he oversees many projects including the visual development of new boy band NK5.
He is also the Founder & Executive Director of the youth arts non-profit agency The Joe, Picture This Show/Hartford Animation and Film Institute.
He is a former Guinness World Record Holder for creating the World's Longest Comic Strip, which included the participation of thousands of Greater Hartford-based youth.
In 1999 he received the prestigious Daily Point of Light Award from the White House for volunteering his time in bringing the arts to otherwise access-less youth.
He and his work has appeared in People, Ebony, GQ and Jet Magazine, the Boston Globe, New York Times, C-Span, CNN, the Black Family Channel and other national media outlets.