Joyce Aryee, Date of Birth


Joyce Aryee

Ghanian politician

Date of Birth: 27-Mar-1947

Profession: businessperson, politician, executive director

Nationality: Ghana

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Joyce Aryee

  • Joyce Rosalind Aryee, also known as "Auntie Joyce", is a Ghanaian former politician, reverend minister and business person.
  • Aryee is recognized for having served Ghana for more than 40 years in both the public and private sectors.
  • She is the previous Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Chamber of Mines and was the first woman in Africa to have held that role.
  • She has also held political roles in Ghana from the early years of the PNDC government.
  • She is currently the Executive Director of Salt and Light Ministries, a para-church organization.

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