Juan del Valle y Caviedes, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Juan del Valle y Caviedes


Date of Birth: 11-Apr-1645

Place of Birth: Porcuna, Andalusia, Spain

Date of Death: 01-Jan-1697

Profession: poet, playwright

Nationality: Spain

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Juan del Valle y Caviedes

  • Juan del Valle y Caviedes (11 April 1645 – 1697), often referenced as Caviedes, was a Colonial poet from Viceregal Peru.
  • He belongs chronologically to the Spanish American Baroque Colonial period, and shares much with Baroque writers such as Mateo Rosas de Oquendo, Sor Juana and Bernardo de Balbuena.
  • He was a social and political critic, pointing out the shortcomings and hypocrisies of the Spanish American colonial administrators. Caviedes was born in Porcuna, Andalusia, Spain in 1645.
  • He moved to Peru at an early age and settled in Lima, later spending some time in the mining area of Huancavelica, where life was hard even for a Spaniard at the top of the social pyramid.
  • As has been shown by various critics, a false biography based on the author's satirical works suggested that he dissipated his fortune on gambling, drink, and women of dubious morals and that as a result of having contracted a venereal disease he directed his satirical bite at the damage done by physicians and their indifferent and rapacious attitude toward their patients.
  • However, in his satire of doctors and medicine Caviedes was following a long-standing satirical Western tradition.

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