Katerina Moutsatsou, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Katerina Moutsatsou

Greek actress

Date of Birth: 21-Sep-1972

Place of Birth: Monterey, California, United States

Profession: actor, film producer

Nationality: Greece

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Katerina Moutsatsou

  • Katerina Moutsatsou or Moutsatsos (Greek: ?ate???a ???ts?ts??), is a Los Angeles-based Greek actress, producer, writer, and activist.
  • She is the author and producer of experimental films, videos, and animation series, which focus mainly on subjects related to her country of origin, Greece.
  • She is vocal on the area of politics, and cultural identity.
  • Her political animation series Sara and Mara Greek: ? S??a ?a? ? ???a was published by the Greek newspaper Eleftherotypia.

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