Kathryn Kraemer Troutman (born October 5, 1947) is an American author, consultant, and career trainer who assists job seekers interested in working for the U.S.
She is the founder and president of The Resume Place, Inc.
1971), a service business and website located in Baltimore, MD that consults on, writes and designs federal and private-sector resumes.
Troutman has been described in the media as an expert on the Federal Resume, on Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities statements, and on federal career consulting in general.
She has worked in this field since 1971, has published nine books on these subjects, and is known in federal hiring circles as the "federal resume guru".
Troutman was quoted in the media after the November 2008 election of Barack Obama on how to get a job in the Obama Administration, and published a book with the same name shortly afterwards.She is the author of Ten Steps to a Federal Job: How to Get a Job in the Obama Administration (2008).
The first edition of the Ten Steps book (2001) was honored as the Best Career Guide of 2003 by the Publishers Marketing Association.Other Troutman federal career publications include "Writing Your NSPS Self-Assessment" (2nd edition), "The Jobseeker's Guide," "The Student’s Federal Career Guide," "Creating Your High School Resume," and "The Military to Federal Career Guide." These books have been included in the EBSCO Publishing electronic library database.Troutman has appeared online, in print and on radio and television to answer questions about Federal careers, resume writing and job search techniques.
Troutman has appeared repeatedly on www.washingtonpost.com’s Federal Diary Live On-Line, www.federalnewsradio.com, and www.fedmanager.com, and has led workshops on Federal Resumes and KSAs for 40Plus of Greater Washington.Troutman is a member of the Career Management Alliance and the SmartBrief on Workforce Advisory Board.