Eugène Minkowski, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Eugène Minkowski

French psychiatrist

Date of Birth: 17-Apr-1885

Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg

Date of Death: 17-Nov-1972

Profession: psychiatrist, psychologist, French Resistance fighter, existential therapist

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Eugène Minkowski

  • Eugène (Eugeniusz) Minkowski (French pronunciation: ?[ø??n m?~k?wski]; 17 April 1885 – 17 November 1972) was a French psychiatrist of Jewish Polish origin, known for his incorporation of phenomenology into psychopathology and for exploring the notion of "lived time".
  • A student of Eugen Bleuler, he was also associated with the work of Ludwig Binswanger and Henri Ey.
  • He was influenced by the phenomenological philosophy and the vitalistic philosophy of Henri Bergson, and by the phenomenologists Edmund Husserl and Max Scheler; therefore his work departed from classical medical and psychological models.
  • He was a prolific author in several languages and regarded as a great humanitarian.
  • Minkowski accepted the phenomenological essence of schizophrenia as the “trouble générateur” ("generating disorder") as he thought that it consists in a loss of “vital contact with reality” and shows itself as autism.

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