Eugène (Eugeniusz) Minkowski (French pronunciation: ?[ø??n m?~k?wski]; 17 April 1885 – 17 November 1972) was a French psychiatrist of Jewish Polish origin, known for his incorporation of phenomenology into psychopathology and for exploring the notion of "lived time".
A student of Eugen Bleuler, he was also associated with the work of Ludwig Binswanger and Henri Ey.
He was influenced by the phenomenological philosophy and the vitalistic philosophy of Henri Bergson, and by the phenomenologists Edmund Husserl and Max Scheler; therefore his work departed from classical medical and psychological models.
He was a prolific author in several languages and regarded as a great humanitarian.
Minkowski accepted the phenomenological essence of schizophrenia as the “trouble générateur” ("generating disorder") as he thought that it consists in a loss of “vital contact with reality” and shows itself as autism.