"Ken" Maddox (born February 29, 1964 in Long Beach, California), also known as Ken Lopez-Maddox since his marriage to Monica Lopez, is a former California State Assemblyman who served from 1998 until 2004, representing part of Orange County.
He received his bachelor of science degree from California Polytechnic State University, Pomona and is a member of the fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon.
He has his master of arts degree in management from National University and was a past Senior Fellow of Public Policy at UCLA.
He was a police officer in Tustin prior to his election to the Assembly.
He remained a reserve police officer during his tenure in the legislature.
He has also been a volunteer firefighter, and served in the Army National Guard and Army Reserve from 1981 to 1989.
He returned to service in the military following the attack on our nation on 9-11.
Ken Lopez-Maddox is a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and is the 15th great grandson of Swiss Mennonite Reformer, Christian Stauffer on his mother's side.
His father's family is from Yuma, Arizona and are designated "Arizona Pioneers".
In 2018, he became a Democrat.