Kenneth Brown is a playwright, actor, director and producer (born 20 January 1954) who has been active in theatre since 1971.
He is an author or co-author of the following plays:
Letters in Wartime
Life After Hockey (1985) (There is also a film version)
My Father's House
North of America (There is a German radio play version of this, called Nach Manitoba which was translated by Werner Richter for Westdeutscher Rundfunk and went on air for the first time in 1993)
The Adventures of Joseph Andrews (1998)
The Bridge
2 Balance (2000)
Be A Man (with Ribbit Productions, 2001)
Lewis Lapham Live
Spiral Dive Trilogy (2008)
Cowboy Gothic (2011)
The Gambling Show (with Ribbit Productions, 2010)