Maurice Cossmann, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Maurice Cossmann

French zoologist

Date of Birth: 18-Sep-1850

Place of Birth: Paris, ĂŽle-de-France, France

Date of Death: 17-May-1924

Profession: zoologist, paleontologist, malacologist

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Maurice Cossmann

  • Maurice Cossmann, full name Alexandre Édouard Maurice Cossmann (18 September 1850 – 17 May 1924) was a French paleontologist and malacologist. Maurice Cossmann's father was an artist draughtsman and a talented lithographer.
  • His early education was at Condorcet College in Paris and he later gained the Diploma of the Central School of Arts and Manufacturing in the same city.
  • He was then employed by the Compagnie des chemins de fer du Nord.
  • Cossmann made all his career there, finally as Chief of the Engineering services (IngĂ©nieur Chef des Services Techniques).
  • Married and without a child, he loved to tell how the arrival of a small collection of fossils had led to his future studies of paleontology.
  • Cossman specialised in the fossils of the Paleogene and Neogene periods.
  • Certain of his works are still a major reference especially: Iconographie complète des coquilles fossiles de l'Éocène des environs de Paris, in English Iconography of the fossil shells of the Eocene of the Paris basin) written with G.
  • Pissaro (1904–1913, ca.
  • 3000 pages and 110 plates) and Conchyliologie nĂ©ogĂ©nique de l’Aquitaine in English Neogene Conchology of Aquitaine with A.
  • Peyrot (in Actes de la SociĂ©tĂ© LinnĂ©enne de Bordeaux, 1909–1932, vol.
  • 45–85, ca.
  • 4500 pages and 121 plates).Cossman published, sometimes collaboratively, 186 works (scientific papers and monographs) between 1879 and 1926 and he was the Editor of Revue critique de palĂ©ozoologie et de palĂ©ophytologie Paris 1897–1919.
  • His work is described in two obituaries written by G.F.Dollfus in 1925 and A.R.Kabat in 1989.

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