Paul Althaus Smith, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Paul Althaus Smith

American mathematician

Date of Birth: 18-May-1900

Date of Death: 13-Jun-1980

Profession: mathematician, university teacher, topologist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Paul Althaus Smith

  • Paul Althaus Smith (May 18, 1900 – June 13, 1980) was an American mathematician.
  • His name occurs in two significant conjectures in geometric topology: the Smith conjecture, which is now a theorem, and the Hilbert–Smith conjecture, which was proved in dimension 3 in 2013.
  • Smith theory is a theory about homeomorphisms of finite order of manifolds, particularly spheres. Smith was a student of Solomon Lefschetz at the University of Kansas, moving to Princeton University with Lefschetz in the mid-1920s.
  • He finished his doctorate at Princeton, in 1926.
  • His Ph.D.
  • thesis was published in the Annals of Mathematics that same year.
  • He also worked with George David Birkhoff, with whom he wrote a 1928 paper in ergodic theory, entitled Structure analysis of surface transformations, which appeared in the Journal des Mathématiques. He subsequently became a professor at Columbia University and at Barnard College.
  • His students at Columbia included Sherman K.
  • Stein and Moses Richardson.
  • He has many academic descendants through Richardson and his student Louis Billera.

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