Konrad Oebbeke, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Konrad Oebbeke

German geologist

Date of Birth: 02-Nov-1853

Place of Birth: Hildesheim, Lower Saxony, Germany

Date of Death: 01-Feb-1932

Profession: geologist, university teacher, mineralogist

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Konrad Oebbeke

  • Konrad Oebbeke (2 November 1853, Hildesheim – 1 February 1932) was a German geologist and mineralogist. He studied at the Universities of Heidelberg and Erlangen, obtaining his doctorate at the University of Würzburg in 1877.
  • Afterwards he worked as an assistant to the Geological Survey of Bavaria.
  • He served as privat-docent at the University of Munich, later becoming a professor of mineralogy and geology at Erlangen (1887). From 1895 to 1927 he was a professor at the Technische Hochschule of Munich. Oebekke is known for his studies of minerals found in Bavaria, in particular those of economic value.
  • In the Fichtelgebirge he drew attention to the presence of well-crystallized minerals (including topaz) on Epprechtstein.
  • He produced several editions of Wolfgang Franz von Kobell's "Tafeln zur Bestimmung der Mineralien" (Tables for the determination of minerals), and with Ernst Weinschenk (1865-1921), he published editions 6 & 7 of Kobell's "Lehrbuch Der Mineralogie".
  • Other written works by Oebbeke include. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Palaeopikrits und seiner Umwandlungsproducte, 1877 - Contribution to the study of paleopicrites, etc. Beiträge zur Petrographie der Philippinen und der Palau-Inseln, 1881 - Contributions to the petrography of the Philippines and Palau Islands.
  • (habilitation thesis) Die Stellung der Mineralogie und Geologie an den technischen Hochschulen.
  • Festrede gehalten zur Eröffnungsfeier des Studienjahres am 10.
  • Dezember 1902 - Regarding mineralogy and geology curriculum at technical universities: Opening ceremony speech held for the academic year on December 10, 1902. Die Braunkohlenvorkommen Bayerns, 1907 - Lignite deposits in Bavaria. Gutachten über ein Vorkommen von kristallinem Magnesit im Kronlande Salzburg, 1912 - Report on an occurrence of crystalline magnesite in the Kronland Salzburg, 1912.

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