Alicia Machado, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Alicia Machado

Actress, TV show host, singer and former Miss Universe 1996 & Miss Venezuela 1995

Date of Birth: 06-Dec-1976

Place of Birth: Maracay, Aragua, Venezuela

Profession: actor, journalist, model, beauty pageant contestant

Nationality: United States, Venezuela

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Alicia Machado

  • Yoseph Alicia Machado Fajardo (Spanish pronunciation: [a'lisja ma't?aðo]; born December 6, 1976) is a Venezuelan-American actress, TV host, singer and beauty queen who was Miss Venezuela 1995 and then Miss Universe 1996.
  • She was the fourth woman from Venezuela to be named Miss Universe. During the 2016 U.S.
  • presidential campaign, Machado publicly criticized the prior behavior of Donald Trump who owned the Miss Universe pageant during her reign.
  • She was mentioned by Hillary Clinton during the first 2016 U.S.
  • presidential debate.

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