Laurence Overmire, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Laurence Overmire

American actor and writer

Date of Birth: 17-Aug-1957

Place of Birth: Rochester, New York, United States

Profession: actor

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Laurence Overmire

  • Laurence Overmire (born August 17, 1957) is an American poet, author, actor, educator, genealogist, peace activist, civil rights, human rights, and animal rights advocate and environmentalist. He is the author of The One Idea That Saves The World: A Call to Conscience and A Call to Action (2012), a philosophical prose work that deals with the spiritual and moral issues that confront humankind in the 21st century.
  • The book has been endorsed by Thom Hartmann, Bill McKibben, Raffi Cavoukian, The World Business Academy, Mona Polacca of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, Aaron Viles of The Gulf Restoration Network, Adele Douglass of Humane Farm Animal Care and many others. Overmire's poetry has been widely published in the U.S.
  • and abroad in hundreds of journals and anthologies.
  • As an actor, he has performed on Broadway, film and television.

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