Hans-Peter Luzius, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Hans-Peter Luzius

Date of Birth: 29-Feb-1912

Place of Birth: Steglitz, Berlin, Germany

Profession: cryptanalyst

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Hans-Peter Luzius

  • Hans-Peter Luzius (born 19 February 1912) was a German actuarial mathematician and economist.
  • Luzius was most notable for his work oduring World War II on researching a method to cryptanalyse the M-209 mechanical cipher machine that led to the first recovery of key based on a crib, while he was conscripted to the Inspectorate 7/VI, the signals intelligence agency of the Wehrmacht, while based at Matthäikirchplatz in Berlin, close to Bendlerblock.

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