LeShay Tomlinson, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


LeShay Tomlinson

American actress

Date of Birth: 18-Nov-1975

Place of Birth: Queens, New York, United States

Profession: actor, television actor, film actor

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About LeShay Tomlinson

  • LeShay Tomlinson, also known as Leshay Tomlinson and Leshay N.
  • Tomlinson, is an American actress, best known for her role as Cathy in R.
  • Kelly's hip hopera, Trapped in the Closet.
  • Cathy is noteworthy as the woman whose tryst with Kelly's character sets in motion the many revelations and cliffhangers which provide the hiphopera's dramatic skeleton. A Hebrew Israelite, Tomlinson had filled small roles in a number of motion pictures prior to her work with R.
  • Kelly; including the Princess Monique short "The Call" with Closet co-star Cat Wilson, folk music parody A Mighty Wind and the Brosnan/Hayek crime drama After the Sunset.

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