Lian Tanner (born 17 March 1951 in Tasmania, Australia) is an Australian children's author who lives in southern Tasmania.Her book Museum of Thieves, the first book in the middle-grade Keepers trilogy, won the 2010 Aurealis Award for Children Fiction, was a Notable Book in the 2011 Australian Children's Book of the Year Award, was shortlisted for the 2010 Australian Independent Booksellers' Award and the Australian Speech Pathologists' Award, and was selected as one of the Bank Street Children's Book Committee's Best Children's Books of the Year.
It was one of the "50 Books You Can’t Put Down" in the 2011 Australian "Get Reading!" Campaign, and was named as a "White Raven" by the International Youth Library in Munich.
Museum of Thieves is published in Australia, the US and India.
It has also been translated into German, Turkish, Chinese characters, Bahasa Indonesia, Thai, Brazilian Portuguese and Bulgarian.
City of Lies, the second book in the Keepers trilogy, won the 2011 Aurealis Award for Children's Fiction.