Lisa Russ Spaar, Date of Birth


Lisa Russ Spaar

American poet

Date of Birth: 17-Mar-1956

Profession: writer, poet

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Lisa Russ Spaar

  • Lisa Russ Spaar is a contemporary American poet, professor, and essayist.
  • She is currently a professor of English and Creative Writing at the University of Virginia and the director of the Area Program in Poetry Writing.
  • She is the author of numerous books of poetry, most recently Vanitas, Rough: Poems and Satin Cash: Poems.
  • Her latest collection, Orexia, will be published by Persea Books in 2017.
  • The Virginia Quarterly Review describes her work as the perfect marriage of the realism of William Carlos Williams .
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  • and the sleepless heaven-seeking of such cloistered ecstatics as Emily Dickinson and Gerard Manley Hopkins. Her poem, Temple Gaudete, published in IMAGE Journal, won a 2016 Pushcart Prize. Spaar has also edited several anthologies, including All That Mighty Heart: London Poems, which Billy Collins says "gathers [a] mighty swirl of poetry into a gorgeous volume whose variety and heft rival the city itself— its smoke, roar, and flow."

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