Andrew van der Bijl, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Andrew van der Bijl

Christian missionary

Date of Birth: 11-May-1928

Place of Birth: Sint Pancras, North Holland, Netherlands

Profession: writer, missionary

Nationality: Kingdom of the Netherlands

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Andrew van der Bijl

  • Anne van der Bijl (known in English-speaking countries as Brother Andrew) is a Christian missionary born on 11 May 1928 in Sint Pancras, the Netherlands, and noted for his exploits in smuggling bibles into communist countries at the height of the Cold War.
  • For his activities, he earned the nickname "God's smuggler".
  • He is known for having prayed "Lord, make seeing eyes blind" when he was stopped at the border of a communist country for his car to be inspected.

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