in Materials Engineering (Nanotechnology, Composite Materials), academician of EAS, RAASN and REA.
He was elected as the honorary professor of a few universities in Poland (WSG) and Russian Federation (KSTU(KAI), VGASU (Russia), IKU), chairman of the UNESCO chair "Green Chemistry".
He is the author of more than 500 inventions.In 1982 he elaborated the first nanostructured anticorrosive composite materials based LG-matrix, where nanoparticles are forming during technological process by hydrolysis of TFS.
Last his elaborations are nanostructured nonisocyanate polyurethanes, nanocellulose and nanocomposites based on epoxy-rubber and organic alkali soluble silicate binders.
Novel nanotechnologies invented by Prof.
Figovsky were the basis for establishing industrial production in the US, Canada, China, Mexico, Russia and Israel.President of Israeli Assgciation of Inventors (IAI).
Founder and director RSD of Internftional Nanotechnology Research Center Polymate (Israel, 1998–2018).
Director of R&D of Eurotech, Ltd.
(United States, 1998–2008) and "Nanotech Industries, Inc." (United States, 2009–2018).