Jerry Mathers, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Jerry Mathers

American actor

Date of Birth: 02-Jun-1948

Place of Birth: Sioux City, Iowa, United States

Profession: actor, entrepreneur, stage actor, model, television actor, film actor

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Jerry Mathers

  • Gerald Patrick Mathers (born June 2, 1948) is an American actor.
  • Mathers is best known for his role in the television sitcom Leave It to Beaver, originally broadcast from 1957 to 1963, in which he played Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver, the younger son of the suburban couple June and Ward Cleaver (Barbara Billingsley and Hugh Beaumont, respectively) and the brother of Wally Cleaver (Tony Dow).

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