Jakob Anderegg (11 March 1829, in Oberwil im Simmental – 17 September 1878, in Meiringen) was a Swiss mountain guide and the first ascensionist of many prominent mountains in the western Alps during the golden and silver ages of alpinism.
Jakob Anderegg made the first ascent of the following peaks or routes:
Balmhorn (Bernese Alps), 21 July 1864 with Frank, Lucy and Horace Walker, and Melchior Anderegg
Piz Roseg (Bernina Range) with A.
Moore and Horace Walker on 28 June 1865
Ober Gabelhorn (Pennine Alps) with A.
Moore and Horace Walker on 6 July 1865
Pigne d'Arolla (Pennine Alps) with A.
Moore and Melchior Anderegg on 9 July 1865
Brenva Spur of Mont Blanc (Mont Blanc massif) with George Spencer Mathews, A.
Moore, Frank and Horace Walker on 15 July 1865
Gspaltenhorn (Bernese Alps) with G.