Albert Niemann (pediatrician), Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Albert Niemann (pediatrician)

German physician

Date of Birth: 23-Feb-1880

Place of Birth: Berlin

Date of Death: 22-Mar-1921

Profession: physician, university teacher, pediatrician

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Albert Niemann (pediatrician)

  • Albert Niemann (23 February 1880, in Berlin – 22 March 1921, in Berlin) was a German physician.
  • He was the son of Albert Niemann, a well known tenor with the same name.1903 he obtained his medical doctorate from the University of Strasbourg.
  • He later trained in pediatrics as an assistant at the Säuglingsheim (infant home), run by the Verein Säuglingskrankenhaus in Berlin.
  • In 1918 he was named director of the Säuglingsheim at Berlin-Halensee.
  • His primary area of research dealt with metabolism in infancy.Niemann–Pick disease is named for him and Ludwig Pick.
  • He was the author of Kompendium der Kinderheilkunde mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Säuglingskrankheiten (Compendium of pediatrics with special reference to infant diseases; 1920).

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