Louis Gerlach Pareau, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Louis Gerlach Pareau

Dutch theologian

Date of Birth: 10-Aug-1800

Place of Birth: Deventer, Overijssel, Netherlands

Date of Death: 27-Oct-1866

Profession: theologian, university teacher

Nationality: Netherlands

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Louis Gerlach Pareau

  • Louis Gerlach Pareau, (August 10, 1800 – October 27, 1866) was a Dutch theologian born in Deventer.
  • He was the son of Jean Henri Pareau (1761–1833), a professor of Oriental languages at the University of Utrecht. In 1826 he graduated from Utrecht with a dissertation titled Commentatio critica et exegetica in Paulinae Epistolae prioris ad Corinthos caput XIII.
  • In 1831 he was appointed professor of theology at the University of Groningen, where he remained until his death in 1866.
  • At Groningen he taught classes in exegesis and hermeneutics. Pareau was one of the three founders of the so-called "Groningen School", a progressive movement within the Dutch Reformed Church.
  • In 1837 he was co-founder, and for many years, editor of the journal Waarheid in Liefde (Truth and Love).
  • With Petrus Hofstede de Groot (1802-1886), he was co-author of the Encyclopaedia theologi Christiani.

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