Louis Moilanen, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Louis Moilanen

Finnish giant

Date of Birth: 05-Jan-1886

Place of Birth: Puolanka, Northern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency, Finland

Date of Death: 16-Sep-1913

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Louis Moilanen

  • Lauri "Louis" or "Big Louie" Moilanen (January 5, 1886 – September 16, 1913), was a Finnish-born giant, the son of Louis and Annie Moilanen.
  • At the age of 4, he and his family immigrated from Finland and settled in the town of Hancock, Michigan in the United States.
  • Louis Moilanen eventually grew to the height of 236 cm (7'9"), and was known in Michigan as "Big Louie".
  • As an adult he was a miner and bartender.
  • He also worked with the Ringling Brothers Circus as a sideshow attraction to exhibit his great height.
  • Buying clothes was difficult, so the Ed Haas Mens Store in Houghton tailored clothes for Louis and special ordered size 19 shoes, and size 9 stetson hats.
  • Moilanen may have been one of the tallest men in the world at one time, said to be 246.5 cm (8' 1) tall at his peak, although this remains unconfirmed.
  • In 1913, he became violently ill, and died from tubercular meningitis of the brain.
  • He was buried in a coffin that was 9 feet long and 3 feet wide, and laid to rest at the Lakeside Cemetery just west of Hancock.
  • The grandson of the founder of Crawford Funeral Home discovered an old telegram that says the inner measurement of Moilanen's casket was 8 feet 3 inches long.

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