Ferdinand Karsch, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Ferdinand Karsch

German biologist and anthropologist

Date of Birth: 02-Sep-1853

Place of Birth: MĂĽnster, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Date of Death: 20-Dec-1936

Profession: psychologist, lepidopterist, university teacher, entomologist, anthropologist, arachnologist

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Ferdinand Karsch

  • Ferdinand Anton Franz Karsch or Karsch-Haack (2 September 1853 in MĂĽnster – 20 December 1936 in Berlin) was a German arachnologist, entomologist and anthropologist. The son of a doctor, Karsch was educated at the Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin and published a thesis on the gall wasp in 1877.
  • From 1878 to 1921 he held the post of curator at the Museum fĂĽr Naturkunde Berlin.
  • Between 1873 and 1893, he published a catalogue of the spiders of Westphalia: he also published numerous articles on the specimens that the museum received from various explorers and naturalists working in Africa, in China, in Japan, in Australia, etc.
  • This publication of others' work sometimes led to disputes over priority and nomenclature, for example with Pickard-Cambridge. Alongside his zoological activities, he published many works on sexuality and, in particular, homosexuality in both the animal kingdom and in so-called "primitive" peoples, including Das gleichgeschlechtliche Leben der Kulturvölker - Ostasiaten: Chinesen, Japanese, Korea in 1906 on homosexuality in East Asian societies and in 1911 Das gleichgeschlechtliche Leben der Naturvölker on homosexuality in Africa and indigenous societies of Asia, Australia and the Americas.
  • Karsch lived in later life as an open homosexual in Berlin.
  • The rise of Hitler to power and Nazi repression of homosexuality led to the eclipse of his reputation.

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