Luca Caragiale, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Luca Caragiale

Romanian writer

Date of Birth: 03-Jul-1893

Date of Death: 07-Jun-1921

Profession: poet, translator, novelist, linguist

Nationality: Romania

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Luca Caragiale

  • Luca Ion Caragiale (Romanian pronunciation: ['luka i'on kara'd??jale]; also known as Luki, Luchi or Luky Caragiale; July 3, 1893 – June 7, 1921) was a Romanian poet, novelist and translator, whose contributions were a synthesis of Symbolism, Parnassianism and modernist literature.
  • His career, cut short by pneumonia, mostly produced lyric poetry with cosmopolitan characteristics, distinct preferences for neologisms and archaisms, and willing treatment of kitsch as a poetic subject.
  • These subjects were explored in various poetic forms, ranging from the conventionalism of formes fixes, some of which were by then obsolete, to the rebellious adoption of free verse.
  • His poetry earned posthumous critical attention and was ultimately collected in a 1972 edition, but sparked debates among literary historians about the author's contextual importance. The son of dramatist Ion Luca Caragiale and the half-brother of writer Mateiu Caragiale, Luca also became the son-in-law of communist militant Alexandru Dobrogeanu-Gherea.
  • It was with Alexandru's brother, philosopher Ionel Gherea, that Luca wrote his work of collaborative fiction and sole novel.
  • Titled Nevinova?iile viclene ("The Cunning Naïvetés"), it created controversy with its portrayal of adolescent love.
  • Here and in his various modernist poems, Caragiale made a point of questioning established perceptions of love and romance.

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