Ludwig Piskaçek, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Ludwig Piskaçek

Austrian obstetrician

Date of Birth: 16-Nov-1854

Place of Birth: Karcag, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County, Hungary

Date of Death: 19-Sep-1932

Profession: gynaecologist, obstetrician

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Ludwig Piskaçek

  • Ludwig Piskaçek (16 November 1854, Karcag, Hungary – 19 September 1932, Vienna) was an Austrian obstetrician remembered for describing Piskaçek's sign. He trained in Vienna, gaining his doctorate in 1882.
  • He became apprentice in surgery at the Albert Clinic until 1884, then assistant at the second obstetrical clinic under Josef Späth (1823–1896) and his successor August Breisky (1832–1889) until 1888.
  • He became professor of obstetrics in Linz in 1890, and in Vienna in 1901. He was the author of a textbook on midwifery that was published over several editions, Lehrbuch für Schülerinnen des Hebammenkurses und Nachschlagebuch für Hebammen.

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