Luiz Carlos de Carvalho Teixeira de Freitas, Date of Birth


Luiz Carlos de Carvalho Teixeira de Freitas

Brazilian journalist

Date of Birth: 25-Dec-1952

Profession: journalist

Nationality: Brazil

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Luiz Carlos de Carvalho Teixeira de Freitas

  • Luiz Carlos de Carvalho Teixeira de Freitas (born 25 December 1952, in SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil), is a Brazilian journalist, psychologist and writer. Because of his wide range of intellectual interests, he wrote about many fields of knowledge, such as Anthropology, Arcane, Distance learning, History, Psychology, Marketing and Advertising and Theology, besides a novel. Beginning as a journalist, he was field reporter in segmented newspapers and radio broadcasting (Jovem Pan), a news editor in a TV broadcast network (TV Record) and a director for specialized magazines in marketing and advertising (Mercado Global magazine, edited by Globo Network Commercial Superintendence (1975), Propaganda and Marketing magazines, edited by Editora ReferĂŞncia (1977), and Briefing magazine, of his own (1978–1982)). In 1985, he published his first book, Por que fazer terapia? (Why therapy?), written for the general public but, after only a short period of time, selected as a bibliography suggestion in many Brazilian psychology colleges. He began research into theoretically associations upon western astrology and Junguian and transpersonal psychology, focusing on the use of birth charts as an unorthodox psychodiagnostic system, strengthening the concept of “clinical astrology” and writing and editing the books O simbolismo astrolĂłgico e a psique humana (The astrologic symbols and human mind) (1988) and Astrologia clĂ­nica, um mĂ©todo de autoconhecimento[1] (Clinic astrology, a self-understanding method) (1989). After the rise of the Internet in Brazil, he was the first Brazilian writer who commercialized an editorial cyberbook (1997), offering a complete download of Tahuantinsuyo – O Estado Imperial Inca (Tahuantinsuyo – The Inca’s Imperial State)[2], a complete register and analysis of the biggest pre-Columbian imperial state in South America, based on researches and six year's visits at Cusco and surroundings, in the central Peruvian region of the Andes mountain range (Cordillera). This book nowadays is available print on demand on "Who were the inca?" As a consequence of his transdisciplinary studies of altered states of consciousness and the possibilities of psychoemotional development through controlled practices of those expansions, in the fields of Behavioural sciences, Psychobiology and Transpersonal psychology, and as result of his first studies of ancient Christianity (from Paul to Augustine) and Comparative religion, edited Terapia, um caminho para o divino (Therapy, a path to the Divine) (2000). Those transdisciplinary studies was a part of a research program focused on what is generally called “Santo Daime’s religion”, and the product of the program was published in the Trilogia Juramidam (Juramidam’s Trilogy)[3]: O Mensageiro – o replantio daimista da doutrina cristĂŁ (The Messenger – daimist’s sowing of Christian doctrine) (2002), A Rainha da floresta – uma missĂŁo daimista de evangelização (Forest’s Queen – a daimista mission of evangelization) (2002) and A verdade alĂ©m da doutrina – a busca daimista do rosto de Deus (The truth, beyond the doctrine – the daimist’s quest to see God’s face) (2008). This research program was focused on the period that began in 1931 - the beginning of the first Christian cults with daime, or ayahuasca, a south-American regional beverage used as a controlled resource of consciousness expansion - and ended in 1971 with the death of Raimundo Irineu Serra, also known as "mestre Irineu", the Brazilian preacher who started these cults. This strict focus permitted the keen knowledge of what was really preached by master Irineu, by the study of the specific content of the hymns adopted by him, which is the written testimony of the true identity, method and purpose of his beliefs.
  • All the stories about his life and works were preserved only by oral tradition after he died, and the result of these researches (1993–2002) established a clear contrast with previous historical, sociological and anthropological studies made by researchers from Brazil and other countries. Repeated academic studies, in order to study master Irineu's works, have adopted since 1982 as his main study object a dissidence originated in 1976, five years after master Irineu's death.
  • And because this dissidence was syncretic since its beginning (popular catholicism, kardecism and African-based cults such as umbanda and candomblĂ©), the researchers believed that master Irineu's work and beliefs were also syncretic from the beginning. Through the exegesis of the hymns adopted by master Irineu and ten years of local research, Teixeira de Freitas take for granted and give solid evidence to the genuine Christian profile in the master Irineu's works and beliefs, through devotion to the Virgin Mary and faith centered in the Trinity.
  • His studies also demonstrate that master Irineu's works were not a specific religion and that the syncretic profile, studied by other researchers, was a historical transformation caused by that dissidence and the beliefs of the dissidence's founder, SebastiĂŁo Mota de Melo. At 2002, after was member of Organization Committee for Strategic Planning of the newspaper O Estado de S.
  • Paulo, was co-writer of the book EstratĂ©gia – Perspectivas e Applicações (Strategy – Prospectives and Applications), in the chapter “Nova abordagem organizacional para as necessidades estratĂ©gicas contemporâneas” (New organizational approach for contemporary strategic needs), edited by Sociedade Latino-americana de EstratĂ©gia (Latin-American Society for Strategy). In 2005, in a special ceremony held in the National Congress of Brazil, in celebration of the 90th anniversary of the oldest Brazilian private foundation of health assistance and well-being promotion (Fundação Amaral Carvalho[4], or Amaral Carvalho Foundation), founded in 1915 at the Brazilian city of JaĂş by his maternal ancestors Domingos Pereira de Carvalho and Anna Marcelina CampanhĂŁ de Carvalho, he presented the book CafĂ©, Carvalho e Caridade (Coffee, Carvalho and charity), telling the story of his family and the Foundation into the history of the city of JaĂş, the state of SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil and the world. This book was followed by Repassando dádivas (Sharing gifts) (2006), a study of the loving care work of the biggest Brazilian net of volunteer women in the assistance of poor cancer patients, managed by the Fundação Amaral Carvalho in more than 400 Brazilian cities. In 2008, he edited his first romance, named Violeta[5] (Violet), a Brazilian psychological novel, adopting for this launch an innovative method in Brazil: selling only online (at an Internet bookshop [6]), each book is printed on demand, offering high graphic quality and reduced prices, by eliminating the commercial margins of distributors and conventional bookshops.

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