Luiz Castanho de Almeida, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Luiz Castanho de Almeida


Date of Birth: 06-Nov-1904

Place of Birth: Guareí, São Paulo, Brazil

Date of Death: 28-Feb-1981

Profession: writer, historian

Nationality: Brazil

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Luiz Castanho de Almeida

  • Luiz Castanho de Almeida (Guareí, November 6, 1904 - Sorocaba, February 28, 1981) was a priest, historian and writer.
  • Son of Colonel Anibal Castanho de Almeida and Ana Candida Rolim.
  • He published several books under the pseudonym of Aluisio de Almeida.
  • In 1918, he entered the seminary and attended Philosophy and Theology.
  • Was ordered a priest on May 8, 1927, the Sorocaba Metropolitan Cathedral.
  • After serving as a priest in Itararé, Itapetininga and Guareí in 1933 moved to Sorocaba, where he moved and took over the parish of "Bom Jesus dos Aflitos", in the neighborhood Alem-ponte, Sorocaba.
  • Between 1940 and 1944, he was rector of the diocesan Minor Seminary of São Carlos Borromeu of Sorocaba.
  • He became nationally known for her articles that discuss about folklore, customs, history, biography, and religion.
  • He worked devotedly for the preservation of memory of Sorocaba.
  • He left some 22 books published and unpublished, which are on file of the Historical, Geographical and Genealogical Institute of Sorocaba - Ihggs, located in the "House of Aluisio de Almeida." The library of the University of Sorocaba takes its name.

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