Edward Whelan (American lawyer), Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Edward Whelan (American lawyer)

American lawyer

Date of Birth: 26-Jul-1960

Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California, United States

Profession: lawyer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Edward Whelan (American lawyer)

  • Martin Edward Whelan III (born July 26, 1960) is an American lawyer, legal activist and political commentator.
  • Whelan's legal career included clerking for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and deputy assistant attorney general during the George W.
  • Bush administration.
  • Since 2004, he has served as the president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a conservative think tank "dedicated to applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical issues of public policy".
  • In 2018, Whelan was as an advisor to Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation effort for the U.S.
  • Supreme Court.
  • Whelan came under intense criticism when, in response to an allegation of sexual assault against Kavanaugh, he published on Twitter a speculative theory that Kavanaugh may have been a victim of mistaken identity, and proceeded to publicly name a private citizen, whom Whelan implied was a doppelganger of Kavanaugh and the real sexual assaulter.
  • After facing ridicule for his reasoning and criticism for what was regarded as a smear of a private citizen, he apologized a day later for an "appalling and inexcusable mistake of judgment", and the EPPC announced that Whelan would be taking a leave of absence.

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