Mandy Sellars, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Mandy Sellars

British woman with genetic mutation

Date of Birth: 20-Feb-1975

Place of Birth: Lancashire, England, United Kingdom

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Mandy Sellars

  • Mandy Sellars (born 20 February 1975 in Lancashire, United Kingdom) is a British woman with a rare genetic mutation that has resulted in extraordinary growth in both of her legs. In 2006, some doctors diagnosed Sellars as having Proteus syndrome, a very rare condition thought to affect only 120 people worldwide, but more recent diagnoses have focused on a PIK3CA gene mutation.
  • Some reports still describe her condition as a rare form of Proteus syndrome, but Sellars herself has disputed the diagnosis.Sellars's condition has been covered in several television programs, leading Sellars to jokingly describe herself as a "part-time TV star".

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