Marcus Haley, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Marcus Haley

American bodybuilder

Date of Birth: 05-Oct-1972

Place of Birth: Las Vegas Valley, United States

Profession: bodybuilder

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Marcus Haley

  • Marcus Haley (born Marcus Haley October 5, 1972 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.) is an IFBB American bodybuilder.
  • He most referred as Haley's Comet.
  • Before touching weights, Marcus was taking care of his four little brothers while his mother was fighting a bout of drug abuse.
  • An outstanding running back and defensive back at Pahrump High School, he earned a scholarship to Dakota Wesleyan University.
  • He attended Dakota Wesleyan University for two years, but after encountering a lot a racism he returned home.
  • Haley admits that he always looked up to Shawn Ray and Mike Ashley as a youth.
  • While in Las Vegas, Haley started training at Golds gym and met a female bodybuilder named Gabby.
  • His first show was the Golds Gym Classic in Las Vegas.
  • Not knowing how to diet, he ate hamburger patties from McDonald's.
  • Carb loading was done with rice and French fries.
  • He placed third in the show. He earned his IFBB pro card by placing 1st in the Super Heavyweight division in the 2005 USA Bodybuilding/Figure Championships.
  • He was outdone by Phil Heath, who won the overall in that show. In 2007, he entered the Ironman Pro and placed 5th, which gives him is first bid at the 2007 Mr.
  • Olympia. As well as his 2007 Arnold Classic placing, Haley won the "Best Poser" award. Haley currently resides in Peoria, Arizona, where he runs a contest prep / lifestyle fitness group called Team Comet Fitness.
  • #teamcomet

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